dhcpListenAddress string Listen address for DHCP server (default ":67 ")
c, -configFile string Config file to use advertisedIP string IP to advertise for DHCP clients (default " ")
You can get the Docker container like so:
Remotely provision nodes: Because bofied is based on open web technologies and supports OpenID Connect authentication, it can be securely exposed to the public internet and be used to manage network boot in a offsite location. Monitor network boot: By monitoring it's (proxy)DHCP and TFTP traffic, bofied can give an insight to the network boot process using a browser or the gRPC API. Easily manage and script the network boot config: By using the browser or WebDAV, boot files can be managed and the scriptable configuration can be edited. Serve boot files: The integrated TFTP and HTTP servers can provide the iPXE network bootloader, Linux distros or other boot files. Boot nodes from the network: Using (proxy)DHCP for PXE service, it can configure nodes which are set to network boot.
It provides everything you need to PXE boot a node, from a (proxy)DHCP server for PXE service to a TFTP and HTTP server to serve boot files.