No details or platforms have been announced yet, but given the pedigree working on the original release, we'd be surprised if we don't see this on the Switch. Original Story : Producer and head of Dragami Games, Yoshimi Yasuda, has announced that PS3 and Xbox 360 cult classic Lollipop Chainsaw is getting the remake treatment in 2023, IGN reports. But as articles are starting to slap our names on there, I think it’s important to make clear no one ever approached us about it. SUDA51/須田剛一 July 6, 2022Īnswering a follow-up tweet, director Gunn also clarified that he had no ill will for the project, just that he had no knowledge of it until recently: I neither endorse nor condemn it! I simply don’t know anything about it. To add my two cents, like says, neither he nor I am involved in this project at all, and Grasshopper Manufacture has nothing to do with development or anything. Suda's company, Grasshopper Manufacture, also has "nothing to do with development". Update : Both Suda51 and James Gunn have taken to Twitter to clarify that neither of them has any involvement with this remake project.