The story has everything you could want from the genre, including a painfully awkward sex scene, a montage of Rex training and a flamboyantly over-the-top climax. Rex is voiced by Michael Biehn, a veteran of genuine '80s classics like "The Terminator" and "Aliens," and his growly one-liners contribute as much to the atmosphere as the game's pulsing synth-heavy soundtrack. The musclehead here is Rex "Power" Colt, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier who's sent to a remote island to prevent a madman from building an unstoppable army. It's an affectionate tribute to a cinematic era in which one guy with a lot of guns could solve all the world's problems. "Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon" (Ubisoft, for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, $15) makes that connection more explicit. The ultraviolent power fantasies that seem so corny today - movies like "Rambo," ''Commando" and "The Delta Force" - pretty much provided the template for popular games like "Call of Duty" and "Gears of War." Thirty years later, you don't have to look hard to see the influence of one medium on the other.

Video games came of age in the 1980s, a decade that was also the heyday of cheesy Hollywood action movies.